Ark of Hope Community Center will advocate for justice, promote equality, and help restore dignity, bridge differences, connect and inspire hope to all people.
In looking beyond oneself, Ark of Hope comes to realization that the work to the community must be done beyond the four walls of the church. The cities are so cosmopolitan that reaching out to the broader community cannot be done in the same traditional way. We need to bring shalom (peace) to the cities and that will be done through the services provided by Ark of Hope Community Center.
We are an organization that are committed and dedicated to be a change agent that will make a difference to all those we encounter. As a people we are created to make a difference and that’s why Ark of Hope is a beacon of light inspiring hope connecting people. We do nothing through selfish or vain conceit but in actuality consider others a privilege to serve.
Ark of Hope Community Center, Inc. is a transformative organization equipping leaders beyond the pew to liberate and transform communities. Our goal is to offer special care to those whose life circumstances or situations make them vulnerable to disrespect and abuse within society. We are committed to demonstrate compassion for society’s less fortunate or the marginalized. We seek to empower people locally and internationally by providing education and equipping them with the tools necessary to provide become self-sufficient.
Our tools include providing community boreholes “wells”, educational sponsorships for girls and boys, community resource center, and wellness initiatives.
Ark of Hope believes that through building a people of power, they can have the capacity, willingness, and ability to act on behalf of their destiny. We are an organization that is committed and dedicated to being a change agent that will make a difference to all those we encounter. As a people, we are created to make a difference, and that’s why Ark of Hope is a beacon of light, inspiring hope connecting people. We do nothing through selfish or vain conceit but consider others a privilege to serve and bring about transformation.
Ark of Hope’s mission is to serve the basic human and spiritual needs of the economically disadvantaged and neglected people of Maryland, Maasailand, Kenya, and Jamaica. The organization provides support and a comprehensive empowerment program that addresses the holistic person (spiritual, emotional, physical, economic, and social) without regard to race, culture, subculture, creed, nationality, or lifestyle, resulting in self-sufficiency within society.
As a non-profit, faith-based organization, we will advocate for justice, promote equality, help restore dignity, bridge differences, connect and inspire hope to all people. In looking beyond oneself, Ark of Hope realizes that the work to the community must be done beyond the four walls of the church. The cities are so cosmopolitan that reaching out to the broader community cannot be done in the same traditional way. We need to bring shalom (peace) to the cities and will do that through the services provided by Ark of Hope Community Center.
Ark of Hope Community Center, Inc. (Ark of Hope) is a 501(3)(c) non-profit organization formed in 2004. The organization was originally formed as the Immigrant Advocacy Ministry (IAM) designed to serve the immigrant communities. Realizing the work that was needed throughout our immediate communities, IAM expanded its vision and set out to enhance the quality of life for all people in need. With a growing concern that immigrant communities were neglected, the group started an education component to assist with immigrant assimilation into the mainstream community. This component offered English as a Second Language (ESL) workshops to non-English speakers as well as Spanish-for-English-speakers sessions.
After several years of teaching ESL and basic Spanish, the group brainstormed and once again expanded its mission to be more inclusive to the wider community without regard to race, creed, nationality, religion, culture, and socio-economic levels.
The question was asked, “How can we make a tremendous impact that will bring about the greater good to all those who are in need?” With that question, the vision for Ark of Hope was formed and incorporated in Maryland in 2008.
Today, we help individuals, families, and communities in Maryland, Kenya, East Africa, and Jamaica. We are committed to showing compassion for society’s marginalized and disenfranchised populations. We are an organization that is committed to being a change agent in society. We intend to make a difference in all those we encounter. We do nothing through selfish or vain conceit but consider it a privilege to serve others. We believe that as human beings, we are created to make a positive difference in the lives of others. That’s why Ark of Hope is making strides as a beacon of light, inspiring hope and connecting people.
We realize that cities are so cosmopolitan that reaching out to the broader community cannot be done in traditional ways and that outreach must go beyond the “four walls” of the church. At Ark of Hope, we will advocate for justice, promote equality, restore dignity, bridge differences, liberate, and inspire hope in people. We endeavor to bring shalom (peace) to the cities through the Word of God, meeting the practical needs of the people and providing the tools necessary to promote self-sustainment.